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S12E07 - Vampires, Devilbirds and Spirits: Tales of the Calypso Isles

A celebration of Caribbean wildlife, Vampires, Devilbirds and Spirits: Tales of the Calypso Isles takes an entertaining look at the myths and legends of Trinidad and Tobago, and many of the creatures on which they are based. Nature plays a significant role in the country’s folklore, with narration by a local person and extensive role-play, the production interweaves these intriguing tales with impressive photography of the abundant wildlife, including infra-red footage of the elusive cave-dwelling oilbirds.
Uitzending: 03/04/1994
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 29/10/2023 om 11:49