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S02E18 - Universal Royalty National Pageant

Pageant director Annette Hill outdoes herself once again in Austin, Texas! There is no bigger competition than this $5,000 cash prize pageant, and every kid there wants to win it! Pageant superstar Eden, 4 takes a break from her TV and film appearances to work the stage like never before. She MUST take back her crown from heavy hitter, Taralyn! Hot on Eden's heels is Janene, 5, whose mother Jeannie has made it her pageant mission to beat Eden, even buying one of Eden's old beauty dresses! But the four to five age group needs to look out for veteran Brooke, 9. She's not only beautiful, she's been competing and winning pageants as long as the other girls have been alive!
Uitzending: 17/02/2010
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:06