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S10E01 - The Working Man

Frank's old excuses fail to wash with the Department of Work and Pensions, so faced with losing benefits his hopes rest with the World of Burgers. Shane and Jackson launch a new enterprise of bootleg booze, but it's rank and nobody is buying their stuff. Billy offers to help and concocts a brew using his extraordinary sense of smell and amazingly it's a great success. But Shane is seriously hacked off. It's time to lay down the law... Meanwhile, Avril supplies pills to Patty, who wants more than her recommended dosage, but when Avril turns down her request, Patty springs into action with a plan to steal them.
Uitzending: 12/09/2012
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 19/06/2020 om 23:33