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S11E21 - Unseen Suspect (part 2)

During a break in the filming, the star was discovered with his throat slit, with Ruri over the body and her hands bloody. No murder weapon could be found. The immediate suspects were members of the cast, including Ruri and the Nagumo (南雲?) father-son. As the murder took place in the jurisdiction of Shizuoka Prefecture (静岡県, Shizuoka-ken?), Inspector Sango Yokomizo (横溝 参悟, Yokomizo Sango?) arrived to take charge of the investigation. Kogoro and Conan worked hard to find the clues. When Conan finally figured out the solution, he realized he had used up his only tranquilizer dart earlier, and had to resort to nudging Kogoro towards the truth.
Uitzending: 20/01/2003
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 19/05/2024 om 02:26