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S01E02 - Episode 2

Late at the night, Stanko and Tane meet at the crime scene - masquerade at the House of Commons. Wife of public prosecutor Vojin Djukic, Violeta, has been murdered. Tane notes that the victim and Maja Davidovic had identical costumes. He examines Maja and Vojin and quickly concludes that Maja is Vojin's mistress. But, Chief Dimitrijević appears at the crime sceme and forbids Tane to interrogate Vojin and Maja. Maja is convinced that Violeta was killed by mistake and that she was the intended target
Uitzending: 29/10/2017
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 25/11/2019 om 17:02