Banner voor The Challenge
Special Eerste uitzending
S00E401 - Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge: Cease Fire (Reunion Special) 22/05/2001
S00E501 - First Half Recap 18/03/2002
S00E502 - Battle of the Seasons: Inside the Inner Circle (Reunion Special) 27/05/2002
S00E601 - The Good, The Bad, and The Notorious 30/12/2002
S00E602 - Hot and Bothered: The Battle of the Sexes Reunion 12/05/2003
S00E701 - Showdown at the Real World/Road Rules Corral: A Guide to the Gauntlet 29/09/2003
S00E702 - Battle Scars: From the Gauntlet to the Inferno 26/01/2004
S00E801 - Casualties of the Inferno...Smoldering to the Final Challenge 17/05/2004
S00E802 - Montezuma's Revenge: Inside The Inferno 31/05/2004
S00E901 - He Says/She Says: Battle for the Battle of the Sexes 2 Onbekend
S00E902 - The Battle of the Sexes 2 Reunion: Secrets from Elimination Hill 31/01/2005
S00E1001 - Real World/Road Rules Challenge Uncensored 28/02/2005
S00E1002 - To Hell and Back: Hot Gossip from the Inferno II 27/06/2005
S00E1101 - Rough Seas Ahead: The Gauntlet 2 Preview Special 01/12/2005
S00E1102 - Shark Infested Waters: Gauntlet II Reunion 27/03/2006
S00E1201 - Fresh Meat Launch Special 22/05/2006
S00E1202 - Well Done: The Fresh Meat Reunion 11/09/2006
S00E1301 - The Duel Ain't Over 'til the Reunion 18/01/2007
S00E1401 - The Top 10 Moments from the Inferno 3: Blazed and Confused 10/07/2007
S00E1501 - Physically and Mentally Challenged: The 25 Most Unforgettable Challenge Moments 19/01/2008
S00E1502 - Trim the Fat: The Gauntlet III Reunion 26/03/2008
S00E1601 - The Island Reunion: The Final Face Off 05/11/2008
S00E1701 - The Duel II: The S#!t They Should Have Shown 10/06/2009
S00E1702 - The Duel II Reunion Special 17/06/2009
S00E1801 - The Ruins Reunion 16/12/2009
S00E1802 - The Ruins: The S#!t They Should Have Shown 23/12/2009
S00E1901 - Fresh Meat II: Meet the Meat 01/04/2010
S00E1902 - Aftershow: Nice to Meat You 07/04/2010
S00E1903 - Aftershow: Sloppy Ho's 21/04/2010
S00E1904 - Fresh Meat II Reunion Special 09/06/2010
S00E2001 - The Challenge: Cutthroat Reunion 15/12/2010
S00E2002 - Cutthroat: The S#!% They Should've Shown 22/12/2010
S00E2003 - Spring Break: Episode 1 01/03/2010
S00E2004 - Spring Break: Episode 2 01/03/2010
S00E2005 - Spring Break: Episode 3 01/03/2010
S00E2006 - Spring Break: Episode 4 01/03/2010
S00E2007 - Spring Break: Episode 5 01/03/2010
S00E2101 - Aftershow: Blowup 27/07/2011
S00E2102 - Aftershow: Cry for Me, Argentina 10/08/2011
S00E2103 - The Challenge: Rivals Reunion 31/08/2011
S00E2104 - Rivals: The S#!@ They Should Have Shown 07/09/2011
S00E2201 - Battle of the Exes: The Pre-Game 11/01/2012
S00E2202 - Aftershow: Race and Relations 07/03/2012
S00E2203 - Aftershow: Bromancing the Dome 14/03/2012
S00E2204 - Battle of the Exes: The S#!@ They Should Have Shown 28/03/2012
S00E2205 - The Challenge: Battle of the Exes Reunion 04/04/2012
S00E2301 - The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons Reunion 19/12/2012
S00E2401 - ChallengeMania: the Road to Rivals II 26/06/2013
S00E2402 - Aftershow: The Dark Knight Rises 24/07/2013
S00E2403 - Aftershow: What the Phuket?! 07/08/2013
S00E2404 - Aftershow: True Colors 11/09/2013
S00E2405 - Rivals II: The S#!@ They Should Have Shown 18/09/2013
S00E2502 - Aftershow: Love in the Fast Lane 17/04/2014
S00E2503 - Aftershow: You Be Illin' 24/04/2014
S00E2504 - Aftershow: Inadequate 01/05/2014
S00E2505 - Season 25: The Best of the Worst 08/05/2014
S00E2506 - Aftershow: Not So Trivial Pursuits 15/05/2014
S00E2507 - Aftershow: Pride Before the Wall 22/05/2014
S00E2509 - Aftershow: Best Friends for Never 05/06/2014
S00E2510 - ChallengeMania: SuperFan Edition 12/06/2014
S00E2511 - We Heart Diem 09/12/2014
S00E2601 - EX-Tra Baggage 30/12/2014
S00E2602 - Aftershow: Tribute to Ryan Knight 27/01/2015
S00E2603 - Aftershow: Love, Sweat and Tears 03/02/2015
S00E2604 - Aftershow: That's the Way Love Goes 17/02/2015
S00E2605 - Aftershow: Bye Bye, Love 17/03/2015
S00E2606 - Battle of the Exes II: The S#!@ They Should Have Shown 24/03/2015
S00E2608 - Battle of the EX-iled Recap Special 10/02/2015
S00E2701 - Meet the New Blood 09/11/2015
S00E2702 - Aftershow: Bad Blood 09/12/2015
S00E2703 - Aftershow: Judgement Day 16/12/2015
S00E2704 - Aftershow: Corneesa 23/12/2015
S00E2705 - Aftershow: Blood Brothers 06/01/2016
S00E2706 - Cold Turkey Special: The Road to Berlin 27/01/2016
S00E2707 - Aftershow: Tear Down This Wall 03/02/2016
S00E2708 - Battle of the Bloodlines: The S#!@ They Should Have Shown 18/02/2016
S00E2709 - The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines Reunion 17/02/2016
S00E2801 - Mucho Mas - Frenemies 25/05/2016
S00E2802 - Mucho Mas - When Partners Attack 01/06/2016
S00E2803 - Mucho Mas - Anger Management 22/06/2016
S00E2804 - Survival Guide 29/06/2016
S00E2805 - Season 28: Best Moments Ever 13/07/2016
S00E2806 - Mucho Mas - Rivals 20/07/2016
S00E2901 - Hall of Fame: CT 07/02/2017
S00E2902 - Hall of Fame: Johnny Bananas 14/02/2017
S00E2903 - Hall of Fame: Epic Fails 09/05/2017
S00E2904 - The Challenge: Invasion of the Champions Reunion 16/05/2017
S00E2905 - 15 Craziest AF Unseen Moments 23/05/2017
S00E2906 - 14 Times Our Challengers Lost Their S#&t 30/05/2017
S00E2907 - 11 Most Talked About Takedowns 06/06/2017
S00E2908 - 14 Times The Challenge Proved That Girls Really Do Rule 13/06/2017
S00E2909 - 11 Ways to Become a Champ 20/06/2017
S00E2910 - 13 Nail Biting Challenges 27/06/2017
S00E2911 - Champs vs. Pros: Secrets and Limes 16/05/2017
S00E2912 - Champs vs. Pros: Settling the Scores 23/05/2017
S00E2913 - Champs vs. Pros: Watch Out for the Wolfpack 30/05/2017
S00E2914 - Champs vs. Pros: A Cold Day In Hell 06/06/2017
S00E2915 - Champs vs. Pros: Immovable Objections 13/06/2017
S00E2916 - Champs vs. Pros: No Guts No Glory 20/06/2017
S00E3001 - Dirty 30 Launch Special - Let The Dirt Fly! 11/07/2017
S00E3002 - Race in America: An MTV Discussion 19/09/2017
S00E3101 - What Would CT Do? 06/02/2018
S00E3102 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Mercenaries of Mayhem 20/02/2018
S00E3103 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Baskets of Deplorables 27/02/2018
S00E3104 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Rumor Has It 06/03/2018
S00E3105 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: It's Britni, B... 13/03/2018
S00E3106 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Help Me, Rhonda 20/03/2018
S00E3107 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Czechmate 27/03/2018
S00E3108 - Total Request Latenight The Challenge After the Show: Vendettas Never Die 03/04/2018
S00E3301 - War Of The Worlds: Basic Training 30/01/2019
S00E3302 - After The Show - Apocalypse Now 06/02/2019
S00E3303 - After The Show - Liar, Liar 27/03/2019
S00E3304 - Battle of the EX-iled: I Will Always Hate You 13/01/2015
S00E3305 - Battle of the EX-iled: Love Sick 20/01/2015
S00E3306 - Battle of the EX-iled: Crazy Stupid Love 27/01/2015
S00E3307 - Battle of the EX-iled: Love, Sweat, and Tears 03/02/2015
S00E3308 - Battle of the EX-iled: Love Hurts 10/02/2015
S00E3309 - Battle of the EX-iled: That's The Way Love Goes 17/02/2015
S00E3310 - Battle of the EX-iled: That's The Way Love Goes II 24/02/2015
S00E3601 - Double Agents: Declassified 07/12/2020
S00E3602 - Global Activation 09/08/2021
S00E3603 - Ready to Ride 10/10/2022
S00E3604 - Battle for a New Champion: Countdown Begins 18/10/2023