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S03E01 - The Blessing Way 22/09/1995
S03E02 - Paper Clip 29/09/1995
S03E03 - D.P.O. 06/10/1995
S03E04 - Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose 13/10/1995
S03E05 - The List 20/10/1995
S03E06 - 2Shy 03/11/1995
S03E07 - The Walk 10/11/1995
S03E08 - Oubliette 17/11/1995
S03E09 - Nisei 24/11/1995
S03E10 - 731 01/12/1995
S03E11 - Revelations 15/12/1995
S03E12 - War of the Coprophages 05/01/1996
S03E13 - Syzygy 26/01/1996
S03E14 - Grotesque 02/02/1996
S03E15 - Piper Maru 09/02/1996
S03E16 - Apocrypha 16/02/1996
S03E17 - Pusher 23/02/1996
S03E18 - Teso Dos Bichos 08/03/1996
S03E19 - Hell Money 29/03/1996
S03E20 - Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' 12/04/1996
S03E21 - Avatar 26/04/1996
S03E22 - Quagmire 03/05/1996
S03E23 - Wetwired 10/05/1996
S03E24 - Talitha Cumi 17/05/1996