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S03E112 - Samuel L. Jackson/Famke Janssen/Natasha Bedingfield

Ellen gives viewers a sneak peek at this summer's hottest trends in movies, music and more on her special "Summer Preview Show." Joining Ellen for this special episode are actors from this summer's biggest blockbusters. Oscar nominated actor, SAMUEL L. JACKSON talks about his new film "<b>Snakes on a Plane</b>," and the lovely FAMKE JANSSEN chats about "<b>X-Men: The Last Stand</b>," Plus, pop sensation NATASHA BEDINGFIELD performs her hit, "<u>Single</u>," from her debut album "<u>Unwritten</u>." And, JON KELLEY from "<b><i>Extra</i></b>" gives the lowdown on this summer's must-see list.
Uitzending: 22/02/2006
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23