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S2004E06 - Elephant Power

ELEPHANT POWER travels deep into the heart of forbidden Burma to document, for the first time, the lives of wild Asian elephants. Some 10,000 elephants, nearly one-third of all Asian elephants, survive in the forests of Burma, but little is known about these animals. Even today, much of the scientific literature still cites observations made centuries ago, at a time when Asian elephants numbered hundreds of thousands. This film will follow a single herd over the course of a year. Along the way, we learn how the elephants face daily peril from farmers and a logging industry dependent on elephant labor to harvest Burma's remaining forests.
Uitzending: 13/03/2004
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 20/03/2021 om 19:11