Banner voor Ned's Survival Gids

S02E08 - Uitdagingen / / Slechte Gewoontes

Dares: Ned is dared to ask super popular Missy on a date, but that is easier said then done. Plus it also has to be in front of all of Missy's friends! Cookie and Loomer compete in a big dare event to see whioo is the king of dares. Moze have to wear a sundress and she made new friends. She thinks her new friends are robots. Bad Habits: Ned is trying to get rid of saying "yes" to people everytime they ask him a favor. Cookie chews gum and pencils as a way to help him overcome his packratting habit. Moze does her best to stop talking trash on the volleyball court, especially after she tells Ned and Cookie she can quit any bad habit.
Uitzending: 14/01/2006
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 30/06/2020 om 15:22