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S01E19 - The Kung Fu Kats Kid

Cory decides to blow off a play date with Sophie to go to the Liberry with Newt and Meena to mingle. Before he goes, Sophie sees him dancing to the Kung Fu Kats theme song and saves it to her computer. When she finds him at the Liberry, she sends the video to him as blackmail, saying that unless he can hang out with the big kids, she will send the video to everyone. Sophie then gets rid of the three new friends they made, and makes them do stuff against there will, so Cory, Newt, and Meena decide to make Sophie hate being with the big kids.
Uitzending: 04/08/2007
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 9/12/2020 om 19:03