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S03E16 - Jon Vitti Presents: Return to La Grunta

Hank gets Luanne a job as a golf course drink girl at the La Grunta resort. In gratitude, Luanne gets Hank a chance to swim with a dolphin. Hank pets the dolphin, and the dolphin becomes aroused and tries to become sexually intimate with him. In return for his silence, the hotel pays him off, and Hank tells Luanne never to talk about what happened. Luanne gets sexually harassed by one of the golfers, she decides to follow Hank's example and not talk about it.
Uitzending: 23/02/1999
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 18/08/2022 om 15:42