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S08E02 - Reborn to Be Wild

Fearing that Bobby is succumbing to bad influences, Hank makes him join a local church youth group. Bobby discovers that the group consists of cool punks (including their tattooed pastor, Pastor K) who worship God through skateboarding and rock n' roll. Hank approves of Bobby's newfound interest in religion, but disapproves of the way Bobby starts to dress and talk, and when Bobby gets his ear pierced, Hank forbids Bobby to attend the big Christian rock festival, Messiahfest. Meanwhile, Hank's friends (and Kahn) decide that death row convicts shouldn't be the only ones to get great meals, so they create the Last Meal Club, dedicated to creating perfect 'last meals' for themselves.
Uitzending: 09/11/2003
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 26/03/2022 om 06:48