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S01E02 - It's My Party

The day after ShereƩ's big birthday blowout, NeNe, still angry about the party, has lunch with her friend and hairdresser, Dwight, who convinces her to take the high road and not waste any time or energy. Meanwhile, Kim is throwing her 11-year-old daughter Brielle an $18,000 birthday party. Kim's girlfriends join in the festivities and NeNe and ShereƩ put their differences aside for the day. Lisa isn't able to make the party as she gets laid up with the flu, but husband Ed helps nurse her back to health.
Uitzending: 14/10/2008
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 11:59