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S03E20 - Angry Nasty People

Benton Tarentella returns to make a show about ""angry nasty"" people with Muriel, Eustace and Courage. Eustace is the star because he's very mean. Benton literally takes Eustace's meaness and gives it a form! It's known as Mr. Nasty. Eustace and Mr. Nasty make lots of money and Muriel and Courage are mad because they always get made fun of on the show. So Courage makes Mr. Nasty angry and throws Benton into quicksand. Now Eustace is on a talkshow and loses his money to Mr. Nasty.
Uitzending: 19/07/2002
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 20/08/2022 om 18:05