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S03E12 - Curtain of Cruelty

Floyd the bald guy (from the segment Hothead) decides to send a cruelty wave or ""curtain"" out into town and turn everyone mean. While Eustace,Muriel, and Courage are buying meats at the market. The wave hits. Its ineffentant on Eustace cause he already is mean. Muriel and Courage use fabric softer on there shirts so thats why they don't got mean cause there ""soft"".Muriel and Courage are taken to a prisoner training camp for being nice and Eustace is elected canadiate for Mayor.Courage finds the machine that sends o...
Uitzending: 21/06/2002
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
IMDB ID: Niet beschikbaar
Laatste update: 20/08/2022 om 18:03