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S08E18 - Felicity Huffman

Last week, ANDERSON COOPER focused on an issue that's very important to Ellen: bullying. Today she's talking with him live from New York about what's happening -- and how you can help put an end to it. Ellen has been searching for the worst of the worst photos that you paid for -- and she found them! Today Ellen's got another hilarious batch of BAD PAID-FOR PHOTOS that you have to see to believe! Whenever FELICITY HUFFMAN stops by, Ellen is ready to challenge her to a game. Today they're trying a brand new one -- you never know what's going to happen! Not only does Ellen love GRACE POTTER & THE NOCTURNALS, Rolling Stone called them the Best New Act of 2010! They're here today to perform one of their hit songs.
Uitzending: 06/10/2010
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23