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S08E171 - Howie Mandel

He's the new Judge on "America's Got Talent" -- the hilarious HOWIE MANDEL is here to tell Ellen about how the big auditions are going. MELISSA McCARTHY is leaving them rolling in the aisles in her new film, "Bridesmaids," which is sweeping the country. Ellen might find out more about her role in the sequel. For the first time ever, one of Ellen's favorite bands, THE STROKES, will be here to perform "Gratsifaction" from their latest album, "Angles." And TERESA GIUDICE drops by to tell Ellen what's going down on her show, "The Real Housewives of New Jersey."
Uitzending: 01/06/2011
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23