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S09E20 - Alyson Hannigan, Scotty McCreery, Blake Mycoskie

The always charming ALYSON HANNIGAN is in the studio! Alyson just started the seventh season of her hilarious hit show, "How I Met Your Mother." She's sure to have the scoop on what we can expect from her character, Lily, and her friends this year! Then, he was discovered less than a year ago, and now he's rocketed to the height of stardom. The reigning champion of "American Idol," SCOTTY McCREERY is here! He's performing his song, "The Trouble with Girls," from his upcoming debut CD, "Clear As Day." And, BLAKE MYCOSKIE, Founder of TOMS Shoes, is here to talk about the amazing work his company does, and his inspiring new book, "Start Something That Matters."
Uitzending: 07/10/2011
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23