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S11E43 - Ashton Kutcher, Sting

His stunning good looks landed him a job as a Calvin Klein underwear model before he hit it big as the star of the hit comedy "That 70's Show,” ASHTON KUTCHER is here! Since then, he's gone on to star in movies like "No Strings Attached" and "Valentine's Day," and he produced the hilarious hit TV show "Punk'd"! Now he's a little less than half of the title characters of the hit comedy "Two and a Half Men," and he's here to tell Ellen about the exciting new season! As good-looking as he is funny and charming, you never want to miss what happens when Kutcher's here! Then, he's one of the greatest musicians of our time. He's received 16 Grammy awards, as well as nominations for Golden Globes, Emmys and Oscars -- all for his incredible music. STING is in the building! Since his early days with The Police, Sting has been a staple of the music industry for the past 35 years. He's here today to perform a song from his brand new album, "Last Ship"! Plus, celebrity chef José Andrés is cooking up something absolutely delicious for Ellen. Get your napkins ready, because this dish is sure to make your mouth water! This Wednesday, Ellen's got something for all of your senses!
Uitzending: 06/11/2013
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23