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S11E54 - Robin Williams, DJ Ellie Kemper

He's one of the most outrageous, most hysterical, and most adored comedians the world has ever seen -- ROBIN WILLIAMS is here! His roles in movies like "Mrs. Doubtfire,” "Aladdin,” "Jumanji" and "The Birdcage" are nothing short of legendary. He's also shown off his dramatic talents in classic films like "Good Will Hunting" and "Dead Poets Society.” Now, he's starring in the new CBS comedy "The Crazy Ones," and there's no doubt Robin lives up to the title! Every time he's here, he's as unpredictable as he is hilarious, and there's no telling what he'll be up to on "Ellen" today! Then, one of Ellen's favorite people, the adorable ELLIE KEMPER is here! She's starred in blockbuster comedies like "Bridesmaids" and "The Office," and she's ready for her next big role -- as Ellen's guest DJ! Ellen even sent her to DJ school to help get her ready for the big gig. Check out all of her crazy new skills in Ellen's DJ booth! Plus, Ellen's got the inside scoop from one of Hollywood's biggest nights! "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" premiered at the Nokia theatre, and Ellen's correspondents were there to talk to all of the biggest stars! Whether you're Team Gale or Team Peeta, all the stars are Team Ellen this Thursday! You never know who might stop by on the red carpet! This Thursday, Ellen is catching fire!
Uitzending: 21/11/2013
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:23