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S17E172 - Ellen at home! Matthew Macfadyen, The Avett Brothers, Incredible 2nd Grade Teacher Jordan Waller

For the first time on the show, one of Ellen’s favorite bands was here – The Avett Brothers! They performed “Locked Up” from their album “Closer Than Together.” Ellen then chats with actor Matthew Macfadyen who talks about what it’s like filming luxurious scenes for the Emmy Award-winning series. Ellen also surprises Jordan Waller, a single mom and an inspiring 2nd grade teacher who has spent the majority of her time in quarantine connecting with her students – from playing games with them on video chats, to hand-delivering awards to their homes. Jordan gushed over her “babies,” and Ellen gave her a chance to win money in a game called “Cash at Your Computer,” thanks to Box Tops for Education. This all-new episode was recorded prior to the Black Lives Matter protests.
Uitzending: 16/06/2020
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 17/06/2020 om 00:45