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S18E52 - Day 7 of 12 Days Of Giveaways, Diane Keaton, Isla Fisher

Join Ellen for Day 7 for 12 Days of Giveaways! Whenever she’s here, she always brings the joy... and the wine... DIANE KEATON returns! The Oscar-winning actress has delighted audiences for years with performances in “The Godfather,” “Annie Hall,” and “The First Wives Club.” Now she’s here to talk about her latest film, the romantic comedy “Love, Weddings & Other Disasters.” It’s always a fun time with Diane, so don't miss it! Then, Ellen welcomes talented actress ISLA FISHER! You remember her breakout role in “Wedding Crashers,” as well as films “Definitely, Maybe,” and The Great Gatsby.” Now she’s back to talk with Ellen about her new Disney+ movie, “Godmothered”!
Uitzending: 03/12/2020
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 2/12/2020 om 03:57