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S01E02 - Tokyo Samurai - Yahiko Myojin

It's been a week since the resolution of the crossroad killing case, in which the name of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu was deceptively used. Although the name of Kamiya Dojo has been cleared, there's no sign of an increase in the number of Kaoru's students. Then a passing boy, Yahiko Myojin, pickpockets Kenshin's wallet. Kenshin gives him the wallet, saying that it was his fault for allowing it to get stolen. Yahiko is repulsed at being treated like a child, but he has a reason to collect the money.
Uitzending: 14/07/2023
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 16/10/2023 om 08:02