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S03E73 - Stacey Abrams, José Andrés

Former Georgia State Representative Stacey Abrams is chatting with Drew about a big upcoming birthday and the spreadsheet she uses to track her goals. Plus, she’s joining Drew for a round of dating red flags! In an all-new Drew’s News, Drew and Ross Mathews are covering one woman’s year-end dating report and the psychology behind why people love podcasts. Chef and humanitarian José Andrés is joining Drew along with his daughters to discuss his organization World Central Kitchen and the work they’re doing! Drew and Ross Mathews are hitting the headlines in Drew’s News, including a super tip for keeping up with new year’s resolutions.
Uitzending: 09/01/2023
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 10/01/2023 om 06:47