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S04E09 - She Stole His Heart/Return of the Captain's Brother/Swag and Mag

A kleptomaniac seeks the help of a psychiatrist to deal with her problem. He tries to distance himself from her when they begin falling for each other. Capt. Stubing's brother Marshall returns to the ship to get married. He has second thoughts when his fiancée reveals that she is broke, and is tempted by a past fling. A television star comes aboard the ship to accept a hero award on behalf of his character, a tough detective. A loudmouth begins harassing him, causing him to look bad in front of both his manager/girlfriend and number one fan Vicki.
Uitzending: 06/12/1980
Rating TheTVDB: Nog geen stemmen uitgebracht
Laatste update: 13/11/2019 om 13:26