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Aflevering Eerste uitzending
S01E01 - LGBTCIA+ 06/05/2021
S01E02 - The Jet Ski Lineage 13/05/2021
S01E03 - Hetero Gay Married 20/05/2021
S01E04 - Condom with Suspenders 27/05/2021
S01E05 - THOT BOY SUMMER 05/06/2021
S01E06 - Trio Lipa 10/06/2021
S01E07 - Move On From Chicken F***ing 17/06/2021
S01E08 - Diaper Full of Marijuana 24/06/2021
S01E09 - #DidItFirst 01/07/2021
S01E10 - The Least Racist Man in New Jersey 08/07/2021
S01E11 - Getting a "Lovett" with Jon Lovett 15/07/2021
S01E12 - Andrew Callaghan: The Marxist Pick-Up Artist 22/07/2021
S01E13 - Kai Nguyen- Lowkey on The Hype 29/07/2021
S01E14 - Cuomosexual 05/08/2021
S01E15 - AustinShow- Michelangelo Was a Sassy B*tch 12/08/2021
S01E16 - TrueAnon Pod Crossover Episode: Critical Clout Theory 19/08/2021
S01E17 - Stavros Halkias- Socialism = No House 26/08/2021
S01E18 - The Glorious Yee-Had in Texas 02/09/2021
S01E19 - Eating Ortolan at the Met Gala 16/09/2021
S01E20 - Melinda Gates, Hit Me Up 23/09/2021
S01E21 - Cody Johnston - The Rachel Dolezal of Italians 30/09/2021
S01E22 - Tony Hawk & Jason Ellis - Rush Limbaugh Had a Tail 07/10/2021
S01E23 - Hey Kids! Give Back America with Matt Walsh and Tim Simons 14/10/2021
S01E24 - Horny for Peloton 21/10/2021
S01E25 - On my Charlie Kirk Swag with Felix Biederman 28/10/2021
S01E26 - Good News: The World Is Ending 04/11/2021
S01E27 - Please Don't Kill Us Jeff Bezos 11/11/2021
S01E28 - Biden Farts on the Pope; With Guest, Austin Show 18/11/2021
S01E29 - Mogul Moves and Dr. Oz 02/12/2021
S01E30 - Blackface Sensitivity Training 09/12/2021
S01E31 - Benjamin Franklin is a Cracker 16/12/2021
S01E32 - No Omicron Just Vibes 06/01/2022
S01E33 - AOC Nailin Palin 13/01/2022
S01E34 - Ride Me Like a Centaur 20/01/2022
S01E35 - Am I the Yoko? 04/02/2022