Banner voor Dalziel & Pascoe
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Aflevering Eerste uitzending
S01E01 - A Clubbable Woman 16/03/1996
S01E02 - An Advancement of Learning 23/03/1996
S01E03 - An Autumn Shroud 30/03/1996
S02E01 - Ruling Passion 14/06/1997
S02E02 - A Killing Kindness 21/06/1997
S02E03 - Deadheads 28/06/1997
S02E04 - Exit Lines 12/07/1997
S03E01 - Under World 21/03/1998
S03E02 - Child's Play 28/03/1998
S03E03 - Bones and Silence 18/10/1998
S03E04 - The Wood Beyond 25/10/1998
S04E01 - On Beulah Height 12/06/1999
S04E02 - Recalled to Life 19/06/1999
S04E03 - Time to Go 26/06/1999
S04E04 - The British Grenadier 03/07/1999
S05E01 - A Sweeter Lazarus 01/07/2000
S05E02 - Cunning Old Fox 08/07/2000
S05E03 - Foreign Bodies 15/07/2000
S05E04 - Above the Law 22/07/2000
S06E01 - Walls of Silence 29/10/2001
S06E02 - Home Truths 05/11/2001
S06E03 - Secrets of the Dead 12/11/2001
S06E04 - Truth and Consequences 19/11/2001
S07E01 - The Unwanted 30/09/2002
S07E02 - Mens Sana 07/10/2002
S07E03 - Sins of the Fathers 14/10/2002
S07E04 - For Love Nor Money 21/10/2002
S07E05 - Dialogues of the Dead (1) 21/12/2002
S07E06 - Dialogues of the Dead (2) 22/12/2002
S08E01 - A Game of Soldiers 03/01/2004
S08E02 - The Price of Fame 10/01/2004
S08E03 - Great Escapes 17/01/2004
S08E04 - Soft Touch 24/01/2004
S09E01 - Heads You Lose (1) 30/01/2005
S09E02 - Heads You Lose (2) 31/01/2005
S09E03 - Dead Meat (1) 06/02/2005
S09E04 - Dead Meat (2) 07/02/2005
S09E05 - The Dig (1) 13/02/2005
S09E06 - The Dig (2) 14/02/2005
S09E07 - Dust Thou Art (1) 20/02/2005
S09E08 - Dust Thou Art (2) 21/02/2005
S10E01 - Houdini's Ghost (1) 06/03/2006
S10E02 - Houdini's Ghost (2) 07/03/2006
S10E03 - Glory Days (1) 13/03/2006
S10E04 - Glory Days (2) 14/03/2006
S10E05 - Wrong Time, Wrong Place (1) 27/03/2006
S10E06 - Wrong Time, Wrong Place (2) 28/03/2006
S10E07 - Guardian Angel (1) 03/04/2006
S10E08 - Guardian Angel (2) 04/04/2006
S10E09 - A Death in the Family (1) 10/04/2006
S10E10 - A Death in the Family (2) 11/04/2006
S11E01 - The Cave Woman 03/09/2006
S11E02 - The Cave Woman (2) 04/09/2006
S11E03 - Fallen Angel 10/09/2006
S11E04 - Fallen Angel (2) 11/09/2006
S12E01 - Demons on Our Shoulders 06/05/2007
S12E02 - Demons on Our Shoulders (2) 13/05/2007
S12E03 - Project Aphrodite 14/06/2007
S12E04 - Project Aphrodite (2) 15/06/2007
S12E05 - Under Dark Stars 21/06/2007
S12E06 - Under Dark Stars (2) 22/06/2007