Banner voor Hunter x Hunter
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Aflevering Eerste uitzending
S01E01 - Departure x And x Friends 02/10/2011
S01E02 - Test x Of x Tests 09/10/2011
S01E03 - Rivals x In x Survival 16/10/2011
S01E04 - Hope x And x Ambition 23/10/2011
S01E05 - Hisoka x Is x Sneaky 30/10/2011
S01E06 - A x Surprising x Challenge 06/11/2011
S01E07 - Showdown x On x The Airship 13/11/2011
S01E08 - Decision x By x Majority Rule? 20/11/2011
S01E09 - Beware x Of x Prisoners 27/11/2011
S01E10 - Trick x To x The Trick 04/12/2011
S01E11 - Trouble x With x The Gamble 11/12/2011
S01E12 - Last x Test x Of Resolve 18/12/2011
S01E13 - Letter x From x Gon 25/12/2011
S01E14 - Hit x the x Target 08/01/2012
S01E15 - Explosion x Of x Deception 15/01/2012
S01E16 - Defeat x And x Disgrace 22/01/2012
S01E17 - Trap x In x The Hole 29/01/2012
S01E18 - Big x Time x Interview 05/02/2012
S01E19 - Can't Win x and x Can't Lose 12/02/2012
S01E20 - Baffling Turn x Of x Events 19/02/2012
S01E21 - Some x Brother x Trouble 04/03/2012
S01E22 - A x Dangerous x Watchdog 11/03/2012
S01E23 - The x Guard's x Duty 18/03/2012
S01E24 - The x Zoldyck x Family 25/03/2012
S01E25 - Can't See x if x You're Blind 01/04/2012
S01E26 - Then x And x After 08/04/2012
S01E27 - Arrival x At x The Arena 15/04/2012
S01E28 - Nen x and x Nen 22/04/2012
S01E29 - Awakening x And x Potential 29/04/2012
S01E30 - Fierce x and x Ferocious 06/05/2012
S01E31 - Destiny x and x Tenacity 13/05/2012
S01E32 - A x Surprising x Win 20/05/2012
S01E33 - An x Empty x Threat 27/05/2012
S01E34 - Power x To x Avenge 03/06/2012
S01E35 - The x True x Pass 17/06/2012
S01E36 - A Big Debt x And x A Small Kick 24/06/2012
S01E37 - Ging x And x Gon 01/07/2012
S01E38 - Reply x From x Dad 08/07/2012
S01E39 - Wish x And x Promise 15/07/2012
S01E40 - Nen x Users x Unite? 22/07/2012
S01E41 - Gathering x Of x Heroes 29/07/2012
S01E42 - Defend x and x Attack 05/08/2012
S01E43 - A x Shocking x Tragedy 12/08/2012
S01E44 - Buildup x To A x Fierce Battle 19/08/2012
S01E45 - Restraint x And x Vow 02/09/2012
S01E46 - Chasing x and x Waiting 09/09/2012
S01E47 - Condition x and x Condition 16/09/2012
S01E48 - Very x Sharp x Eye 23/09/2012
S01E49 - Pursuit x and x Analysis 30/09/2012
S01E50 - Ally x and x Sword 07/10/2012
S01E51 - A x Brutal x Battlefield 14/10/2012
S01E52 - Assault x And x Impact 21/10/2012
S01E53 - Fake x And x Psyche 28/10/2012
S01E54 - Fortunes x Aren't x Right 04/11/2012
S01E55 - Allies x And x Lies 11/11/2012
S01E56 - Beloved x And x Beleaguered 18/11/2012
S01E57 - Initiative x And x Law 02/12/2012
S01E58 - Signal x To x Retreat 09/12/2012