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Aflevering Eerste uitzending
S08E01 - ISlide, Re Think, Fizzics, Spoonful of Comfort 23/09/2016
S08E02 - GoodHangups, The Lapel Project, Ice Age Meals, TactiBite 30/09/2016
S08E03 - Raising Wild, The Cookie Kahuna, TekDry, Night Runner, Angels and Tomboys 07/10/2016
S08E04 - Angels and Tomboys, Atlantic Candy Company, The biēm Butter Sprayer, Solemates 14/10/2016
S08E05 - SandiLake Clothing, Parker's Maple, Safe Grabs, SiliDog 21/10/2016
S08E06 - Joyce's LuLu Bang, unPack, Sunscreenr, Potato Parcel 28/10/2016
S08E07 - EcoFlower, The Style Club, Safe Catch, #BeSomebody 04/11/2016
S08E08 - Milk Snob, Jack's Stands, Chi'Lantro BBQ, Toor 11/11/2016
S08E09 - Barbell Apparel, PupBox, LineCutterz, Energybits 18/11/2016
S08E10 - Inboard Technology, Nomiku, Nootrobox, Pet Plate 02/12/2016
S08E11 - Sealed By Santa, PolyGlide Synthetic Ice, Hand Out Gloves, DigiWrap 09/12/2016
S08E12 - Naturally Perfect Dolls, PDX Pet Design, Basic Outfitters, Victory Coffees 06/01/2017
S08E13 - Grease Bags, Pinblock, Mama's MilkBox, Nicepipes Apparel 13/01/2017
S08E14 - Getaway House, Chirps, Vibes, PopUp Play 27/01/2017
S08E15 - The Kooler, Little Nomad, RinseKit, dbest products 03/02/2017
S08E16 - Tranquilo, Doc Spartan, Peaceful Fruits, F.F.T.O.B 10/02/2017
S08E17 - Toy Mail, Bitsbox, ēdn, Hotels By Day 17/02/2017
S08E18 - Sand Cloud, Ora Organic, DARTdrones, The Elephant Pants 24/02/2017
S08E19 - The Sleep Styler, Blendtique, MealEnders, Rareform 03/03/2017
S08E20 - Apollo Peak, Under the Weather, Seedsheet, Cropsticks 07/04/2017
S08E21 - Guard Llama, Flag, Validated, Guardian Bikes 14/04/2017
S08E22 - Goverre, SeeRescue Streamer, BootyQueen Apparel, Loctote 21/04/2017
S08E23 - Thompson Tee, Wallet Buckle, Rumi Spice, Peoples Design 05/05/2017
S08E24 - Wine & Design, Rocketbook, LAID Brand and Bridal Buddy 12/05/2017